
Thursday 31 May 2012


Hello Hello! I hope you guys are enjoying this fairly cold winters night (for those of you in South Africa ;). I bring news! One Machinima/ Lets play is recorded and sitting here on my pc (A Minecraft CTF if you guys were wondering) BUT I don't think I'm going to upload for the basic reason that I don't think you guys will enjoy it. I'd rather keep you guys waiting just a little longer than uploading a boring video, so hang in there guys! In other news we have started writing exams so the posts might be a little slow for a while but as soon as we finish we will be back with extreme prejudice (Including lots of LAN tutorials, Machinima and reviews.)

Like always any comments you can put here or send me a message at I also am quite active on the NAG forums here (Look for the LAN/gaming blog thread). For those of you writing tests; good luck and study hard.

TheStranger out.

Saturday 26 May 2012

The Snipers

Hello, Hello! TheStranger here! Filing you in on another daily snippet of Hazardous information. Ghost let know that Dead Island LAN works great but that you might need to start the game with the internet (just start then you can remove it). 

I also want to let you guys know more about the Lets play's. I was going to put one up today (A Minecraft hunger games) but as luck would have it after 5 minutes of recording my MC ran out of memory and now seems to not want to run properly. I did try to assign it more memory but got a java problem so my solution was to just re-install java and I am downloading it now, sorry guys :(. You will have to wait until tomorrow :\. 

In other news nightmare will do his first post this week! It will be a COD: MW3 review since he is  obsessed with all things COD (I mean seriously, it gets to a point when someone knows every spot a ghille sniper is hiding in MW2's "Hidden" spec ops mission and is able to run out and kill every one using a smg without dying...ya he's that bad...)
This is the mission I'm talking about if you guys aren't sure :p

As always any advice, complaints , suggestions 
or just a "hi!" Comment or send me a message at

TheStranger signing out.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Dead-Island LAN tutorial

Ghost signing in,
Sorry I had technical problems with TheStranger ("Haha, very funny" -__- TS.) , anyways I am going to do a tutorial on how to LAN Dead-Island.
Dead-Island is one of the best games to LAN, in my opinion, cause what’s not fun about killing a proper zombie with your friends.
Requirements: I assume that you have the Dead-Island from skidrow.
                     That you have a working internet connection, it can be slow.
Step1: Download and unzip  then overwrite it into your  Dead-Island Program Files.

Step2: Download and install Steam.

Step:3 Download SmartSteam and unzip it to your Steam folder in program files.

Step4: Add the Dead-Island.exe to a non-Steam game.

Step5: Make sure your LAN connection is working.

Step6: Then enter game and get past act 1 ( That is when you receive your first mission.)

Step7: When you start the game make sure public slots is set to 3 and the connection type is LAN.

Step8: In game press Esc and go to Game lobby which will not be greyed out because you applied the patch. Then join the game, you both have to be in the same Act.

This should work, if it does not just reply to this.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

The Line Up

Hey Everybody! TheStranger here. Firstly I know, I know, what I promised hasn't come yet but unfortunately Ghost has encountered some technical difficulties and can not do the posts. I will ask him to teach me everything about what he was going to post if he can. Titan has been waiting for the go on his post since I thought Ghost would be first :p so I will let him know and we will carry on with normal life :). The next line up is looking like this:

  • A LAN game review, still deciding what it will be but it will be an interesting one :).
  • LAN fix for COD: MW3, yes a LAN fixed that allows multiplayer, survival and spec ops.
  • Some awesome gaming wallpapers I think you guys will like ;).
So as you can see there are some awesome things coming up. In other news the we are planning and recording Let's play's, Woohoo!! Those will be plenty of fun to watch and record!

What do you guys think about Hazardous hosting a Minecraft PVP server? If you think it's a good idea send me a message and I'll give you the ip.

Until next time,
TheStranger out.

PS: This is also a very busy time for the students in our country, we all start writing exams soon so please be patient if we take a while to reply to requests and things we'll get there :).

PPS: Here's a pic of something I've been building in MC
I hope creepers don't grow that big :<

Thursday 17 May 2012

The Background!

Hey everybody :) . How's it going? HighVoltage and DeathStrike posted some things and we changed the background, let me know what you think. The let's plays are also coming up soon, we are recording. :D Minecraft, Counter Strike and Crysis Wars are going to be the first and I'm also going to try squeeze in some Minecraft hunger games :). It's really awesome and pretty intense so look forward to that. Sorry about the How to's I promised that haven't come up yet (It's Ghosts fault) but he will do them soon (This weekend most likely). 
Like always send me a message at for any suggestions, complaints etc. or comment. :)

This is TheStranger out. 

Mobile Stuffs

So what phone do you have? I guess that's the question everyone's been asking lately with a huuge boom with android and Apple. So the quad cores have been unleashed. Galaxy S3 and HTC One X, these are both jaw-dropping phones but I prefer the way HTC made their phone çause it doesn't feel like e cheap plastic toy like the S2 was. I was checking out XDA forums today and found an app that you can use to control each of your phones cores! Assuming you have a phone with more than one core, which means the cheaper lot of us can't do much except overclock which makes your phone run insanely hot, like 40C hot. Here's the linky to that app.
STFU and take my money!
This is HighVoltage
saying electricity is just organized lightning...;)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Hey guys so most of the guys from Hazardous (nightmare, DeathStrike, Ghost and thecoldblade) had a pretty awesome LAN at thecoldblades house. Amongst other games we played Minecraft (For 6 hours!!!!), Rainbow 6 Vegas, Crysis Wars, Killing Floor and Ghost played WoW caused he's ridiculously addicted, he literally arrived, plugged in his internet and started playing, nightmare is now addicted sniper elite v2 (Admittedly my fault).

In other news... the reason I believe most people wont be reading this post because today is release of the much anticipated Diablo 3!!
And other exciting news I found out today is that after 13 years a new Counter Strike is being released : Counter Strike Global Offensive :D

This is all the good news I'm offering for now, hope you liked my first post

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Disappearances

Hey everybody. Is it just me or are you guys also seeing more of  sharing websites stop sharing? I've noticed more and more of them are stopping sharing their files altogether. It's making our jobs a lot harder, looking for that LAN fix? or a SKIDROW for one of your games? Well you better start downloading them now before everyone stops altogether! Haha enough conspiracy theories for now :p In other news we will be implementing the new backgrounds and header images soon, this week also has an interesting line up of posts. 
In this order:

  • Ghost tells us how to fix access problems over a LAN
  • Titan tells us how to majorly improve LAN and copying speeds
  • Ghost also tells us how to LAN Dead Island 

So stay tuned, this week will be very informative :)
This is TheStranger out :).

Sunday 6 May 2012

The Creation

Hey everybody! Good news! We got some backgrounds!Courtesy of our very own HighVoltage, thanks dude! Because this is a blog for the community, I am asking you guys which one you like best or if you like neither of them, let me know please ;) In other news I'm looking for someone who knows how to code HTML to make things easier. If you are or you know someone then let me know or comment and tell me.
PS: If anyone would like to donate to us it would really help us achieve everything we want to. Thanks! 
TheStranger out.

Saturday 5 May 2012

The Return

Hey everybody! :) TheStranger here back from a holiday (yes, that is why the lack of posts). I have exciting news for you guys. First two new authors, (Highvoltage and Deathstrike) some of you may recognize them from the inside tech today blog. We are happy to have them aboard and they will contribute a lot. Then we are also happy to tell you guys that we will be uploading machinima/ Lets Play videos of the stuff we play at LAN's, look forward to those since we have a wide variety of Minecraft, CS: Source, Crysis Wars, COD etc coming up soon :). The next few post topics coming up will be on How to improve LAN and network copying speeds, How to LAN Dead Island (You definitely don't want to miss this one), Great Minecraft LAN mods and more! If you guys have some suggestions on other things you want to know or want us to do, comment or send me an email at, we also have a facebook page so like us there This is TheStranger out :) 
PS: The backgrounds are on their way ;)