
Thursday 17 May 2012

Mobile Stuffs

So what phone do you have? I guess that's the question everyone's been asking lately with a huuge boom with android and Apple. So the quad cores have been unleashed. Galaxy S3 and HTC One X, these are both jaw-dropping phones but I prefer the way HTC made their phone çause it doesn't feel like e cheap plastic toy like the S2 was. I was checking out XDA forums today and found an app that you can use to control each of your phones cores! Assuming you have a phone with more than one core, which means the cheaper lot of us can't do much except overclock which makes your phone run insanely hot, like 40C hot. Here's the linky to that app.
STFU and take my money!
This is HighVoltage
saying electricity is just organized lightning...;)


  1. hey guys,
    so i really enjoy your posts and look forwarding to reading them, except this one... I felt it lacked substance and reasoning, while Android has become a very, very successful OS of late the iOS is still a very formidable rival and has features that Android lacks, while I am equal for both I respect your opinion HighVoltage but in future back it up with a little more substance instead of a dead one sided opionion without even giving iOS a chance.

    Thanks guys,
    Keep Posting :D

  2. Thanks for the criticism bobsterbob, I'll try adding more substance. :)
