
Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Schedule

Hey everybody! TheStranger here with another bit of info after week, speaking of which we have become a little more organised and decided to make a schedule which will make life a little easier for everyone. It is as follows:

Monday : Starting off the week we have thecoldblade giving us some of his sharp humour.

Tuesday: Next we have nightmare who is eagerly waiting to be released.

Wednesday: We have a new edition to the group Urbandroid who has been itching to start.

Thursday: Ghost will bring us some eery news on Thursdays.

Friday: DeathStrike will take us into the weekends.

Saturdays: HighVoltage will give us some shocking news on Saturdays.

Sundays: Strange Sundays will be me giving you some info on world events.
(We might alternate some positions depending on avaliability and special conditions eg. If a person has something intresting to say etc.)

So everybody thats all from me, expect all the guys to start immediatly.

TheStranger out.
PS: Today is the birthday of one of our countries great hero's so from all of us at Hazardous Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela, thank you for making a difference in the world.

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