
Thursday 28 June 2012

Bullies :|

Hello everybody, wassup? Everyone cool? Well we here are frozen from the cold temperatures this winter. I hope those of you in warmer climates are enjoying the beach and the bikini's (Lucky bastards :p).  Moving on, I do hope you guys found the list of games I posted earlier useful, I'm happy to say I have finished Syndicate and will probably do a review on it tomorrow :).

I stumbled across this earlier and thought I should bring it to your attention. This is the story of yet another attempt to censor and attack the internet by big corporate companies picking on the little guy. I won't tell you the whole story, I think it would be easier if you just read it here:

This is not the first time this has happened, with SOPA coming to all our attention earlier this year and us (the internet community) winning the first stretch of the race it is worth following through, so please sign that petition.

TheStranger out.

PS. I made some changes to now allow anyone to comment without the use of an account so start commenting :)

Send me a message at or comment here.

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