
Sunday 28 October 2012

Finals :'(

Hello everybody! You all still here I hope? I came to clarify a bit about what has been happening, we are all still alive and haven't been eaten by zombies yet. What really has happened is that we here in South Africa are just about to start our finals. These exams are EXTREMELY important for us as they will determine wether or not we get into tertiary learning institutions :p 

In these next couple of weeks there won't be too many posts but we will try and post as soon as we have the time to with there being at least one post a week. The first post will be the updated Slender review I promise!! I also have plenty more things to review and talk about.

PS: I've had an idea to do reviews on Anime series and movies and would like to know what you guys think about it, please drop me an email at or comment on this post. I will also put up a poll to make your lives a bit easier.

To all of those writing important examinations and tests, good luck from all of us here at Hazardous :)
TheStranger out.

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