
Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Changes

Hey everybody, sorry for the lack of posts the last few days, we have been working on improving the looks of the site which are coming along nicely so you should see those in a couple of days :). After they are implemented we will continue as normal and add a few things you guys wanted. We will start providing LAN fixes and guides for our games so if you guys want to suggest a game drop me an email at or comment :). TheStranger out.

Saturday 21 April 2012


This is a sight you won't get tired of anytime soon
Hey there everybody , it's finally weekend and that means a couple of things...firstly no work! woohoo! We all love the days where we can just chill at home in front of the TV or PC or have a day out with the buddies right?  Secondly we can catch up on everything we missed during the week whether it be an episode of your favourite TV series (Ahem...Walking Dead...Ahem :), the latest news (or gossip for the ladies) about the things we find interesting (Including people it seems) or just faster internet speed because less people are on it ;).

One of the best series on TV to gamers and non-gamers alike :D

We all have the things we look forward to on the weekend. This weekend I jammed a
LAN with about 15 other people. It was epic! There are some things that just never get tiring (like showing people who think they're good how fast you can knife) and of course getting lots of games, movies etc for free (no matter if you like LANing itself, you just can't deny that free things rule).

So anyway that's enough about my weekend there is a interesting piece of information that surfaced this week, Diablo III open beta has well...opened this weekend from Friday, April 20 until Monday, April 23. Everyone (yes, everyone) with a account (which you should have if you played any previous Blizzard games online.) can participate in the Beta. It will be capped of course, (They have to draw the line somewhere) but so what? If you liked Diablo I or II go check out your early taste of number III. If you would like to read the whole article go to
So I know what most of us will be doing this weekend :p.

nuff' sed.
This is TheStranger out.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Hello there! How's everybody doing? So Ghost did his first review today, you guys like it? If so please click the like button on it! I also need not say anything more about the very cool intro he did for Titan who will be joining us soon, he is....well some might say addicted to special edition games so he will probably let you know on what the best special editions are and what's good about them as well as review some of the awesomest games we all grew up with and their sequels (so be prepared for some words about starcraft ;).This is TheStranger out.

Counter Strike: Source review

Hey Gamers,
I am reviewing the game most true to the FPS genere, Counter-Strike Source, but first I am introducing a new Author and member of hazardous, Titan, he is known as a tank, a demo expert and heavy weapon specialist, and relates a lot to the Borderlands character Brick, he will be reviewing the classic games. Big fan of special edition games, but not a fan of campers.

                                                                       2 of my favroites...

Now for the review, I have grown up around Counter-Strike, and have seen many changes for the better, I have also participated in many online tournaments. Counter-Strike source is the 3rd game we play at LANs, and the one that we have both laughs and arguments over, whether its the servers fault for leaving friendly fire off or who killed the hostages and why, or someone cheating (cough...cough...TheStranger).(PS: That was once and I was testing something ;) TheStranger).

 I said Counter-Strike Source is the most true to FPS shooter games this due to the fact that it is one of the best arena based games because you have to use pure skill to take down your enemys, their is no leveling ups to give other players advantages over you.  It is just you, your gun and maybe some flashbangs.

Source was a big jump from 1.6, and is going to have huge jump into Global Offensive (The only thing I would take back is buying ammo). What I love is that the maps stayed the same, and so did the camping spots.

In my opinion this is one of the best games to lan, due to its bot feature and buy on round start up. Always a classic moment to speak about and one of the best time killers.

Good Hunting,

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Hey there guys, so another day has passed with some more developments today. I changed the layout and colours a bit hope you like it :). We also got some very helpful information today (thank you toxxyc) on how to make it better, so I'm considering a few ideas like would you guys like someone to do console reviews? and us to create a steam group for Haz Lan that we host multiplayer games on certain days? Let us know, comment, like, send me an email at In other news we have someone else joining us, his name is nightmare, a great part of hazardous and honestly one of the best snipers I've ever seen. So he will post up next week with some reviews of the Call of Duty series and letting us know what he thinks about
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 so look forward to that one. Tomorrow we also have a review of Counter Strike: Source by Ghost coming up (That is still in my opinion one of the best shooters ever created but I'm not doing the review ;) so stay tuned :). TheStranger out.


Hey Gamers,
Its Ghost, the co-founder of Hazardous LAN, i am going to review half the games that we LAN, I want to keep LAN games alive and want to pressure company's into releasing there latest games with LAN support. Let this blog dominate. 
Good Hunting

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Crysis Wars

Nomad, Prophet, Psycho...We all know em' we all love em', there's nothing like running around town shooting things and delivering a grenade to a guy with a friendly "Screw you!" , all in a suit that can take bullets, grenades and even rockets while still protecting the occupant.
Doesn't this just say "you're going to die"

So the first thought that comes to mind is "Wow that sounds like fun, I wish I could kill my friends like that." well fortunately you can.
Four years after its release with  Crysis Warhead, Crysis Wars still remains as one of the highest LANed games on our list for the simple reason's just an assload of fun.

 This is usually the first thing we end up opening at a LAN so much so that it's become a subconscious action. Power struggle is what built this multiplayer experience and instant action isn't too bad either. It also gives you a wide variety of ways to play, sniper, assault, demo, vehicular there is very little stopping you from making it your own and come on everyone can surely agree there's no better way to end a round then nuking the enemies base.
From the huge selection of beefy vehicles that just scream "COME GET SOME!" to the awesome variety of weapons and attachments and the huge maps and easy accessibility and...and...and phew.....point is it's awesome to play and looks great too even though it has been four years.
Yea beefy vehicles and beefy guns. Tasty isn't it?

Bottom line: Whether it's capturing bunkers or having an all out free-for-all and doing all this in beautiful graphics Crysis Wars has something for everyone to enjoy and is still one of the best LAN games...Ever.

This is TheStranger dustin' off and buggin' out.

The Argument

Hello everybody! How you all doing? Well I hope, so I see quite a few people are reading this thank you very much and also to Unwild for the first comment. So we also have got a new admin (Ghost) he actually created this with me so it's nice that he is finally part of it. Me and him had a bit of an argument today about which one of us gets to do what game this week. We EVENTUALLY came to an agreement he will do the CS Source review and I'll do the Crysis wars one so that is coming up now and his is coming up tomorrow. Enjoy it :)
PS : I also added a poll today so please fill that out it will be quite helpful to see what you guys want.

Monday 16 April 2012

The Beginning

First post! Woohoo! Hey everybody and welcome to Hazardous Lan. We will discuss everything gaming and everything Hazardous, this is just the intro but everyday this week we will tackle some of our huge selection of LAN games. Week 1's selection will be :  


Counter strike: source 

and Crysis Wars

just to name a stay tuned :)
and remember we're here for all your LANing needs
This is TheStranger dustin' off and buggin' out :)