
Saturday, 15 September 2012

League of Legends

Morning gamers, I am going to talk about LoL (League of Legends). I finally downloaded this game 2 months ago, and Hazardous and I are loving it. LoL is a MOBA, mixed with a tower defense type game. It is the better version of DOTA (The game is got the idea from) imo, and most of the worlds. This game has become the most played game in the world, overtaking World of Warcraft.

There is no story to the game because it is a MOBA. You basically have to defend lanes that lead to your base and attack your enemys' lanes which lead to their base. The nice thing about LoL is that everyone gets equal chance, there is balance and the matches remain fun from start to finish. I played DOTA for 3 years, and I will never go back. DOTA 2 beta is active and i have played it, but LoL still holds the title because of how unbalanced the champions are in DOTA 2.
You can practice offline, but the lackluster AI won't put up a challenge.

If you have not downloaded this game, I strongly urge you to, and so does the rest of Hazardous. It is free to play and does not take a lot of bandwidth. This game also has one of the best lag handling systems ever. TheStranger who has super slow internet does not get any lag. (True that, I get like 600 ms and it's extremely playable. TS) You can catch me online on EU west name DjinnesHAZ.
Ghost out.

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